Sunday, December 6, 2009

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The first snow was the first weekend in October. It's snowing again today. She enjoys the snow but I get concerned about her getting chilled when she gets wet in the snow. Also, I'm not a big fan of walking in the snow so we exercise her by getting her to run up and down the stairs.

Health Insurance

She had a bout of conjunctivitis. The visit to the vet along with her medication cost $119. She had antibiotic salve to put in her eyes. I sent in a claim to VPI, the pet insurance I purchased back in July. We'll see how they come through.


I haven't written since September. Obviously, she's grown.

Statistics: Last week she weighed 27 lbs. and stood 21 1/2 inches tall at the shoulders.

Back in October she seemed to level off for awhile and then grew again.

Many Changes, Lazy Packleader

So, the scholars tell us that people only read small portions of blog entries. Therefore I'll try to catch up in small installments.