Friday, November 21, 2014

Snow Dog

We had our first snow last week (nothing compared to New York State but still plenty).  It's still pretty messy.  But when Birdy got out into it, she loved it.  This year I made sure to get some of her pleasure on video.

First Snow of the Season Video

Monday, March 3, 2014

Poodle Party

Photo by Frank Groundwater
The people in the dog park are great.  A week or so ago this guy with a pack of four close-clipped poodles managed to coax them all, including Birdy, up onto a table in the dog park.  The old gray gentleman was Birdy's first poodle playmate in Bend.  His name is Ivan. 

Frank doesn't house all four poodles.  He was babysitting one of the black ones and the little oxblood.