Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"She's flirtin with ya, Monte!" said Mandy* to her tall, slim, cream-colored husky type dog.

Monte turned around, keeping his eye on Birdy.  She pranced around him with his ball in her mouth, making sure she presented her fluffy behind to him occasionally.  Usually, he didn't chase her, but just stood in one place maneuvering his slick long pantaloons into a slow spin.  Once he partially mounted her.  But two or three times she finally dropped the ball in front of him so that he could give it to Mandy who checked it up the grassy hill again. 

*  She gave me a Barry Manilow song to remember her by and I think it was that one.  Could it be Brandy?  No.  She said Barry Manilow, not Looking Glass.  And anyway, you know how names don't stick in my head and they never did.  Remember when I had to have the names of the students in the class play written down for me?  I think that was fourth grade.  Could have been sixth.  I remember that in sixth grade, Mr. Tetzlaff had us do The Cask of Amontillado.