Friday, February 17, 2012

Beauty Running

I'm so upset I didn't have a film camera with me this morning!  Or at least the phone that takes movies.

Four upper-primates met and allowed their gang of dogs to run and play.  Kylie, Birdy's wrestling buddy, was there along with red-spotted Coco (Cocoa?) and a really beautiful rusty-cream moyen poddle named Bijou.  Or was it Bijoux?  Movie theatre or jewel?  I'm going with movie theatre.

ANYhooooo.....So, what would I have filmed?  Four dogs running through the woods:  Coco, followed by Bijou, followed by Birdy, followed by this beautiful young Golden Retriever with long, clean fur.  They were about a classroom's length away from us on the path, leaping through the junipers and brush, Coco bunching her muscles and springing ahead, body low to the ground, the poodles prancing behind.

I told Coco's primate that Coco didn't look like a Coco unless I thought of it as Cocoa, because her spots are the color of a cup of milk chocolate cocoa.  When I think of Coco, I picture more fluffy foofy animals, not tough ones like this beautiful red hound with her perfect rectangular head.