Today, May 12, 2013, is Miss Birdy's 4th Birthday.
This last year she enjoyed plenty of media coverage over the spring and summer.
In the late spring she was co-star of a photograph with my spouse, Will, that I sent in to the Central Oregon Council on Aging's "Beautiful Seniors" Photo Contest. (You need to scroll down a ways.)

She was the shining star of the Bend Pet Parade on July 4th and had her picture featured on the front of the community section of the
Bend Bulletin the following day.

One of my former students,
Ian Smyth, a fine photographer, shot a picture of Birdy and me.
I also made a short Animoto movie of the parade.

Later in the summer she was one of the dogs featured in the Source's promotion of the Best of Bend. In spite of the fact that the woman who invited Birdy to be part of that sales tool told me that the Source would co-pay for her $100 haircut, they didn't because she didn't tell me the rules for how to get them to pay. Oh well. She wound up looking beautiful and I sometimes see her face on walls around town.